
A Message from AAUW-WI President, Deb Thiel

Welcome to our New Year!

The passing of the AAUW-WI Presidential baton happens every two years on July 1. This is the year. Maggie Winz has been such an outstanding President, setting a high bar. Thankfully she’s also a fabulous steward who has prepared me like no other! Thank you, Maggie!

Our first State Board meeting for the year is in Stevens Point on July 13. Our 5 Districts with 22 Branches and 1300+ members power our collective efforts. I am honored to serve my term. AAUW members are an enlightened group of individuals who listen to others, learn as much as possible on important issues, make reasoned decisions, and collaborate to take action to improve public policy, enlighten our communities and support lifetime education and advancement for women and girls.

Look to the AAUW national website for more information. If you haven’t already done so, consider joining us.

Members can login to check their personal information and update it as needed. On the national website, you can explore governance, many toolkits, and the Community Hub. Members stay current with informative e-newsletters, like Katrina Sun Breese’s Membership Matters and the Wisconsin Badger Briefs.

Let’s work together to continue to change the world for the better by lending a hand, pressing our public policy agenda forward, and strengthening our influence.

Thank you for checking out our website!

Deb Thiel
AAUW Wisconsin President

Photo of the current AAUW Wisconsin board members standing as a group

AAUW Strategic Mission

To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.

AAUW Vision

Equity for all.

AAUW Values

Nonpartisan. Fact-based.

Our mission is bold― to advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy. We are not satisfied to simply document and discuss the inequities women and girls face. AAUW aims to achieve equity through practical solutions in education, workplaces, and communities. AAUW Welcomes New Members Who Want to Advance Women’s Equality.

Founded in 1881, the history of the American Association of University Women mirrors the progress of women in the United States. As the number of women graduating from college grew, so did our membership.

We’ve published hundreds of research reports, from an 1885 paper disproving a prevailing myth that college impairs a woman’s fertility to, most recently, a study documenting the economic impact of workplace sexual harassment. We have supported the academic achievements of many thousands of scholars, from scientist Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, to astronaut Judith Resnik, the second woman in travel in space.

Our advocacy efforts have propelled countless new laws, including the Equal Pay Act, first proposed in 1945 and finally passed in 1963; the Title IX amendment in 1972; the Family and Medical Leave Act in 1993; the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009; and the Paycheck Fairness Act, which was passed by the U.S. Representatives in 2019 but is awaiting action in the Senate.


Women’s Equality; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I); Scholarships for Women; STEM Education; Economic Security for Women; Public Policy Issues; Leadership Development for Women.