Getting Out the Vote!

10626673_10152236393131487_5400870281235172097_nToday, women wield great power in U.S. and Wisconsin politics. Women vote more often than men. Therefore, women are the ones who often decide who gets to become an elected official and who does not.

But to exercise our political power, women must first register to vote and then actually go to the polls and vote for candidates that would best represent their economic and social interests.

We have an opportunity with the upcoming November 4 election to reach out this fall to young and not-so-young women who might be persuaded to register to vote and become new voters in your districts.

Below are some resources to help branches Get Out the Vote

Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Webinar

AAUW WI Voter Guide Card

AAUW-WI Public Policy Statement 2014-16