AAUW Wisconsin Membership Vice President

State Board Position Profile
Membership Vice President
Two years, starting every odd numbered year
Elected and attends board and executive committee meetings
Membership recruitment management skills and experience

  • Maintains and chairs a committee on membership development including College/University Relations Coordinators and representatives from each of the five districts
  • Assists branches in recruiting and retaining members
  • Helps new branches form or disband
  • Responds to the needs of the branches and/or individual members
  • Acts as a resource to branch membership counterparts
  • Submits articles for Badger Briefs
  • Contacts National members and recruits them for state membership
  • Connects branches with state members not affiliated with a branch who desire contact with a branch
  • Maintains a list of all national members, who pay Wisconsin state dues, including contact information and provides them to Badger Briefs editor
  • Act as the presiding officer in the absence of both the President and Leadership Development Vice President
  • Submits board meeting reports as needed
  • As requested by the state president

Updated 2 Mar 2012