State Board Position Profile
Membership Vice President
Two years, starting every odd numbered year
Elected and attends board and executive committee meetings
Membership recruitment management skills and experience
- Maintains and chairs a committee on membership development including College/University Relations Coordinators and representatives from each of the five districts
- Assists branches in recruiting and retaining members
- Helps new branches form or disband
- Responds to the needs of the branches and/or individual members
- Acts as a resource to branch membership counterparts
- Submits articles for Badger Briefs
- Contacts National members and recruits them for state membership
- Connects branches with state members not affiliated with a branch who desire contact with a branch
- Maintains a list of all national members, who pay Wisconsin state dues, including contact information and provides them to Badger Briefs editor
- Act as the presiding officer in the absence of both the President and Leadership Development Vice President
- Submits board meeting reports as needed
- As requested by the state president
Updated 2 Mar 2012