AAUW Cares about Women
October 30, 2022
Greetings from Maggie Winz, AAUW-Wisconsin Board President
Dear AAUW Wisconsin Members,
Thanks to the La Crosse branch, our state board was reminded that women in Iran and Afghanistan are marching and advocating for their very lives and freedom. What can we do, half a world away?
First: Read our state board statement of support:
We, AAUW Wisconsin State Board, stand with women and girls across the world, especially our Iranian and Afghan sisters, for their right to education, the pursuit of happiness, self-determination, and safety.
Second: Send a letter to the editor with our statement of support to local news outlets. (see the sample below).
Third: The LaCrosse branch is planning to bring a resolution in support of the women in Iran and Afghanistan to the annual AAUW convention April 28 & 29, 2023. Plan to attend the convention and vote to support the resolution. (see the article in this current Badger Briefs).
Fourth: Show your support for the brave college women who fled the Taliban in Afghanistan, and want to continue their studies in Wisconsin.
The Northwoods branch has partnered with a Milwaukee church sponsored non-profit that is accepting donations to fund tuition at UW-Milwaukee for 10 Afghan college women. To donate or learn more, contact Afghan Student Partnership of Milwaukee (ASPOM) at the Eastbrook Church, 5385 N. Green Bay Avenue, Milwaukee WI 53209. Checks can be made out to Eastbrook Church, with ASPOM in the memo line of the check. Your donations would be very appreciated.
It may feel helpless to witness the violence against women thousands of miles away; or to know that college women who fled to America have little means to continue their education.
But we are not helpless! We are AAUW women; and if I know anything about AAUW women, we will take a stand!
Here is a sample letter to the editor, which contains our AAUW-Wisconsin board statement:
To the Editor:
It is with great sadness and outrage that we continue to read the news of the subjugation, violence, and murder of women around the world, most recently in Iran and Afghanistan.
The AAUW Wisconsin State Board (American Association of University Women), and many of our state branches and members, want the women to know that we stand with them in their quest for human rights, safety, and dignity.
Our state board voted on the following statement:
We, AAUW Wisconsin State Board, stand with women and girls across the world, especially our Iranian and Afghan sisters, for their right to education, the pursuit of happiness, self-determination, and safety.
Your Name and branch here
Maggie Winz, AAUW WI President