Category Archives: Branch News

Congratulations to the Janesville Branch

Image of Janesville Women's ClubThis past fall, the Janesville Woman’s Club was awarded an $80,000 grant after receiving first place in the 2019 Partners in Preservation: Main Street competition, sponsored by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and American Express. The win was due in part to the efforts of the AAUW Janesville branch, which calls the Janesville Woman’s Club Building home, and worked to help garner the most votes of any of the 20 sites that participated. This historic preservation grant will fund vital repairs to the almost 100-year-old building. Learn more here.

AAUW Janesville Needs Your Help!

Image of Janesville Women's ClubAAUW Janesville calls the Janesville Woman’s Club Building its home. Recently, the Foundation that works to preserve and maintain this historic building applied for a major grant that would allow them to complete several vital repairs to the almost 100-year-old building, such as the leaking foundation, the inadequate climate-control system, crumbly walls, and roof.

They are 1 of 20 projects in the U.S. (and only project in Wisconsin) competing for funds from Partners in Preservation, an initiative created by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and American Express to engage the public in preserving and increasing awareness of America’s historic places and their role in sustaining local communities

In order to win, they must receive the most votes for their project through an online voting process. The voting period runs now through October 29. Each person can cast 5 votes per day. Winners will be announced on October 30.

Please visit, register with an email address, and cast 5 votes every day for our friends in AAUW Janesville!

Appleton/Oshkosh will host their 4th Tech Savvy at UW-Fox Valley

Tech Savvy was started by the American Association of University Women to help address the fact that women fill close to half of the jobs in the U.S. economy but hold less than 25 percent of STEM jobs. The format of the conference is based on two research reports done by AAUW, Why So Few? Women in STEM and Solving the Equation: The Variable for Women’s Success in Engineering and Computing. Stereotypes, biases, and unwelcoming environments are still barriers to women, but reports and conferences such as Tech Savvy are hoping to change that.
An essential element of the research about girls’ interest in STEM careers shows that girls need strong women role models.

During the conference, the girls attended various breakout and learning sessions where they experienced hands on sessions with women in STEM careers. The two additional instrumental segments of Tech Savvy were College Savvy and Savvy Skills. During the College Savvy time, girls spoke with a variety of college recruiters and participated in mock interviews. Savvy skills focus on skills girls can use in their daily lives such as critical thinking, public speaking, financial literacy, negotiation, and interviewing. Parents who attended Tech Savvy learned about how to help their daughters pursue STEM careers both academically and financially.

The girls who attended Tech Savvy not only learned new things, but also opened their eyes to new possibilities. Some of the girls’ comments were: “I really liked the workshop. They were interactive.” “I used the pen and notebook a lot.” “I really enjoyed getting the information I need to know in order to apply for college and about what careers would be good for me. This will really help me to know this information ahead of time. Having a chance to communicate with college recruiters.” and “The experience of coming to this college”. One parent commented,” I found the overall experience beneficial and I feel empowered to help my child.” Another parent said they are encouraged to help their daughter to shoot higher and what engineering can mean and the financial cost of college

Tech Savvy 2017