
Resolution adopted at the 2024 AAUW-WI State Convention

Resolution on Anti-Racism

Approved by the 2024 Annual AAUW-Wisconsin State Convention

Whereas, AAUW National Public Policy Priorities advocate for ending white supremacy and addressing structural and systemic racism, and

Whereas, AAUW National and AAUW-WI both believe that AAUW must advocate for equality, individual rights, and social justice for a diverse and inclusive society, and

Whereas, psychologists and other social scientists, educational professionals, public health care providers, legal experts, and religious leaders acknowledge that racism and racial discrimination are pervasive and persisting challenges for our country, and

Whereas, racism and racial discrimination threaten human development because of the obstacles which they pose to the fulfillment to basic human rights of survival, security, development, and social participation, and

Whereas, AAUW -WI members recognize the need to engage in constructive acts to make a meaningful difference towards societal change, and

Whereas, AAUW-WI members recognize that we have an obligation to fight ignorance and intolerance, model inclusivity, and embrace our differences and the value which diversity represents,

Therefore, be it resolved that AAUW-WI will pledge to actively support racial justice initiatives encouraging diversity, inclusion, equality and belonging in our communities. In addition, AAUW-WI will advance educational opportunities to reinforce that all people understand and experience an environment free of prejudice and hate.

Resolutions adopted at the 2023 AAUW-WI State Convention

View all resolutions here.

The committee wrote and voted to support these Resolutions with the Resolution Chair in attendance. Branch Presidents and the AAUW WI Board were invited to meetings and informed throughout the discussions, crafting, and rewriting of the Resolutions. Resolutions provide description and focus on a specific issue beyond the board statements in the AAUW WI Public Policy Statement.

AAUW Wisconsin Resolution on Education related to the
American Indian Nations of Wisconsin and
Land Acknowledgment Statements

Whereas AAUW National Policy Priorities state that AAUW promotes the economic, social, and physical well-being of all persons, and

Whereas the state now known as Wisconsin is home to the largest number of Native American tribes east of the Mississippi River, encompassing 11 sovereign Tribal nations that abide by their own constitutions and

Whereas AAUW – Wisconsin has the privilege and responsibility to acknowledge the Indigenous people who have called this land home for generations, and

Therefore, be it resolved that AAUW-WI will advocate for and support education, related to the history of the land we are on, and the great historical, present, and future contributions of Indigenous people. This will include the issues of Treaty Rights, Ceded Territory, Tribal Sovereignty, Act 31 and Land Acknowledgment Statements. Branches are encouraged to create opportunities to inform members and explore these issues related to the American Indian Nations of Wisconsin and in collaboration with the particular Tribal nation where their branch is located.


Resolution in Support of Iranian and Afghan Women

Whereas: In countries around the globe, women and girls are denied their basic human rights and full participation as citizens by their governments.

Whereas: The governments of Iran and Afghanistan are escalating discrimination and imposing severe limitations on women and girls’ freedom and rights of self-determination through brutal repression and state-sponsored violence.

Whereas: AAUW champions equity and access to education for all women and girls everywhere, and recognizes education as a fundamental human right, as specified in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations in 1948.

Therefore, be it resolved that we, AAUW-Wisconsin, stand with women and girls across the world, especially our Iranian and Afghan sisters, for their right to education, the pursuit of happiness, freedom of expression, self-determination, and safety. We commit our support through individual and collaborative action.